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How It Started:

In 1981, Ron Townsend was approached by a family from Epping who shared the need for a Bible preaching church in their town.

After praying and seeking counsel, Ron decided to accept the call and start a church in a town that needed to hear the Gospel!

They began with just a few families meeting in a church building at Camp Hedding (Even had rocking chairs as the seats!) and a little later down the road, they were able to start using a vacant church building on Bedee Road in Epping. It was a small church, with only an outhouse as a restroom! 

After meeting there for several years, they were told that the church building would need to be taken down as the town was planning to put a highway in. They were given a check and had the task of finding a new location.



The Sanville family of Epping was one of the families impacted by the start up church. They decided to donate 2 acres of land to Epping Bible to be able to put a trailer for the Townsend's to live in as well as eventually build a church. 


Pastor Ron holds a strong conviction that anything done for the ministry be done without taking a loan. This conviction has remained for the entirety of the church's existence.


EBC has gone from a

little church in West

Epping, to a thriving

family of believers.

Epping Bible owns 2

acres of land, a

parsonage and a

church building, a

campus that includes

a full outdoor basketball court, beach volleyball, kids playground and an outdoor meeting area.


Everything has been

paid in full with no loan.

This is a testimony to 

the insurmountable

power and provision of

a loving, faithful Father.

All the glory to God! 

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